Jun 16Liked by Domenica Marchetti

Thanks for the food recommendations and also complimenti to Daniela Bracco, I always enjoy her graphics.

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Thank you on behalf of Daniela. She is wonderfully talented. I love working with her.

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Jun 17Liked by Domenica Marchetti

We took my parents-in-law to Umbria in 2017 in the aftermath of my brother's wedding in Siena. They still talk about it as one of their favourite holidays. We based ourselves in Spoleto which we found to be a charming town with friendly inhabitants: I recall stumbling into a restaurant in the middle of a thunderstorm and being greeted like long lost friends. I can't recall the specifics of what we ate during our stay but we loved the food, and the way it paired with various Montefalco rosso. We visited Assisi as my mother-in-law is devoted to Saint Francis (she named her first born after him). Father-in-law found the hilly topology hard work. We went to Spello specifically because we had seen the Pinturicchio frescoes in the Baglioni Chapel on a BBC TV programme (the exact clip is here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02jvphp), maybe it was because it was late September but we practically had the place to ourselves. Based on your post I think we only scratched the surface of Umbria, I would love to go back.

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Sounds like a wonderful visit. And having just spent the day in Amalfi, I have readjusted my perspective on Spello. Not nearly as packed or touristy (the cruise ships have killed the Amalfi coast, but that’s another story). The one town in the valley of Assisi that I have yet to get to is Spoleto. As we say in the old country, “alla prossima…”

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So happy you were able to join us for lunch! It was great seeing you, if only briefly. Next time you are in Spello head to Oro di Spello. It's a line of products made locally from olive oil. I am addicted to their fragrance and have the body oil as well as room fragrance diffuser. When I asked if they had a room spray, the owner (who also runs the shop) suggested I buy the eau de cologne and use that. It' marvellous and now our whole house smells heavenly.

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Noted! Thanks for a wonderful lunch x

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Jun 16Liked by Domenica Marchetti

Mouthwatering, all of this, Domenica. And love the illustration this week, so charming!

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It really captures the vibe of these Umbrian towns!

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Jun 16Liked by Domenica Marchetti

I’ve been to Spello twice. I don’t remember what I ate there, but in 2006 I purchased a print by native son Norberto Proietti and on another trip spent a good amount of time alone at an exhibition of de Chirico’s work which I was never really drawn to until that slow day in Spello. I'm enjoying your travels!

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That sounds like two successful visits, Helen. xx

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What a delightful tour of this part of Italy, as well as your region of Abruzzo (through your Instagram posts), Domenica! For many years, I have been very curious about Umbria after reading an interesting article about it, and probably before it became more of a popular destination. Thank you for all the fresh ideas in traveling and cooking!

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