Benvenuti! Welcome to Buona Domenica, a weekly newsletter of inspired Italian home cooking and baking. I’m a journalist, cooking instructor, occasional tour guide, and author of eight cookbooks on Italian cuisine.
This newsletter remains on an abbreviated schedule until I hand in my book manuscript (early March). This means fewer posts—but just for a few more weeks. So while I am not sharing any new recipes today, I do have a delicious, bitter-is-better round up of radicchio recipes from the Buona Domenica archives.
I don’t know what it is about cold weather, but in addition to craving comfort food like Italian Mac & Cheese and Deeply Rich Beef and Marsala Stew, I also find myself in the mood for the brilliant color and satisfying crunch of a good radicchio salad, not to mention the more-mellow bitterness of cooked radicchio. These foods pull me right up out of the winter doldrums.
If you haven’t yet tried any of these recipes, now is the time. The recipes for Risotto con Radicchio and Orange Salad with Radicchio, Red Onion, and Taggiasca Olives are available to all subscribers; the recipes for Radicchio in Agrodolce, Friulian Winter Salad, and Canederli al Radicchio e Speck are available to paid subscribers.
Click here to browse through the entire newsletter archive and here to view the full recipe index—187 and counting, ready to download and print, a function for paid subscribers. If you are able to do so, please consider supporting my work by becoming one. Grazie!
Readers: What recipes do you like to make to revive your palate and bring you out of the winter doldrums?
I’ll be back next week with a sneak-peek recipe for paid subscribers. The next newsletter for all subscribers goes out in early February. As always, thank you for reading, subscribing, and sharing.
Alla prossima,
I make the risotto on the regular but the others I've got to try especially the salads. Adding radicchio to an orange and olive salad sounds especially appealing. And I have half a pomegranate waiting to be used...
There's nothing like crispy radicchio to brighten a long, gray winter month - especially with a heavy dose of blood oranges...