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Introducing the Buona Domenica Index of Recipes, a new benefit for paid subscribers, where you'll find find links to every single recipe published on this site--120 and counting

Benvenuti! Welcome to Buona Domenica, a weekly newsletter of inspired Italian home cooking. I’m a journalist, cooking instructor, occasional tour guide, and the author of eight cookbooks on Italian cuisine.
I’m publishing this week’s newsletter a day early, as I will be on the road tomorrow. You may have received an email with my newly published recipe index. Read on to learn more about it.
A few weeks ago, I was conducting a retrospective of sorts, which is to say I was clicking around the Buona Domenica home page and rereading some of the posts I’ve published since launching this newsletter 19 months ago.
I realized, as I clicked away, that I had nearly forgotten quite a few of the recipes that have been published here, like this one and this one. Oh, and this one. In fact, keeping track of the recipes on this site—120 and counting—has become rather challenging. Unless you go to the newsletter archive (located in the navigation bar at the top of the home page) and click on each individual post, it can be hard to locate the recipes. And even when you scroll through the archive, it’s not always clear which recipes are contained in a given post.
I’m happy to say I’ve simplified the process by creating a brand new Index of Recipes for my paid subscribers. You’ll find a link to it in my home page navigation bar, right next to the Archive link. The Index is where you’ll find every single recipe I’ve published on Buona Domenica, organized alphabetically, by category.
Think of it as an ever-expanding cookbook right at your fingertips, with everything from appetizers to desserts, including “primi,” “secondi,” veg & eggs, breads, preserves, and so on.
Just click on the recipe title to view the full recipe. At the bottom of each recipe, you will see two “buttons.” Click on the first to download and print out the recipe. Click on the second, a green button with the title of the original post in which the recipe appeared, to read that post.
The index page itself is available to all subscribers—everyone can access it and scroll the list of published recipes. Access to the clickable recipes themselves is limited to paid subscribers. This means you need to be a paid subscriber in order to view and print out the individual recipes.
This is not to say that there aren’t plenty of recipes available to all! Most of my newsletters and recipes are free to everyone when they are published. After a period of time (4 weeks) the majority of those newsletters automatically end up behind the paywall by default. However, I always keep a selection of newsletters free for all to access and read. Among them:
Cooking My Way into the Kitchen
Mussels for Dinner, Coffee for Dessert
And this especially timely one:
Thanksgiving with an Italian Accent
Creating the recipe archive was a weeks-long process, but so worth it. It feels good to see all of those recipes corralled together in one place. I love the work I do here at Buona Domenica and the community of Italian food lovers we are building together. I truly value your feedback and engagement, so please leave a comment. And consider becoming a paid subscriber if you haven’t already joined.
And now…more recipes!
Some of you know that I develop recipes for The Mediterranean Dish, a popular online source for recipes from all over the Mediterranean. Here are a few of my latest. Keep in mind that these recipes are written for SEO maximization, so if you don’t want to read the entire text, just click on ‘jump to the recipe’ at the top of the page.
Pasta e Ceci (Pasta with Chickpeas)
Pollo alle Melanzane (Braised Chicken with Eggplant)
Uova in Purgatorio (Eggs in Purgatory)
PICTURE ITALY: Milano, May 2019
Remember to hit that little heart icon at the top of this post! And, as always, thank you for reading, subscribing, and sharing.
Alla prossima,
Thank you so much. What a wonderful idea!
So much easier than trying to remember the week it was.
Much appreciated! xoxo Christine
This is a wonderful addition. Thank you for providing this easy tool!